options The driver probes wether the chip is configured for CRT only or LCD/simultaneous mode of operation. In the former case it will enable clock programming and will support any mode which is within the limits of the hardware. If the chip is configured for LCD/simultaneous operation mode the driver will respect the settings of the BIOS and allow only one video mode conforming with the panel size.
The driver does not support interlaced or double scan modes.
Probing is supported, but of course the usual warnings and disclaimers apply. Probing may momentarily subject your monitor/panel to sweep frequencies in excess of its rating. The cautious may wish to turn off the monitor while the probe is running. In CRT mode the driver may produce video timings inadequate for your monitor, handle with care!
As with many integrated designs the speed of the graphics operations depend very much of the refresh rate you use. Higher refresh rates yield lower performance.
The following XF86Config "Device" section should work for all configurations:
Section "Device" Identifier "CardPC" VendorName "EPSON" BoardName "CardPC" Chipset "spc8110" Option "sw_cursor" Membase 0x03e00000 Option "no_linear" Option "noaccel" Option "fifo_moderate" EndSection
This Modeline was tested in a 640x480 panel configuration:
Modeline "640x480" 28.36 640 672 768 800 480 490 492 525
These Modelines were tested in a CRT configuration:
Modeline "640x480" 25.175 640 664 760 800 480 491 493 525 Modeline "800x600" 36 800 824 896 1024 600 601 603 625 ModeLine "832x624" 40 832 873 1001 1090 624 625 627 651 Modeline "640x400" 25.175 640 664 760 800 400 409 411 450