Information for ISC Users : Sample Definitions
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Next: Installation

8. Sample Definitions

This is my current host.def, if I build the sources. (So no more changes were necessary in xf86site.def, either it isn't to bad to have a look inside it ;-)

#ifdef BeforeVendorCF

/* ISC 4.1Mu - build only for 4.1
#define IscCompileVersion       410

/* Use inline Math from linux ;-) package inline-math-2.6.tar.gz */
/* should be available on your favorite linux ftp                */
# define UseInlineMath		YES

/* Use cbrt from liboptm.a (Interactive icc Compiler) */
# define HasCbrt		YES

/* Use GNUs MallocLibrary (and the Location for the Lib)             */
# define UseGnuMalloc		YES
# define GnuMallocLibrary	-L/usr/local/lib -lgnumalloc

/* Build Xvfb                                                        */
# define XVirtualFramebufferServer	YES

/* Use mmap Driver                                                   */
# define HasSVR3mmapDrv		YES

/* Expand Manual Pages (needs S5L)                                   */
# define ExpandManNames		YES

/* Has LinuxDoc (and the Location for LinuxDoc / only HTML and Text) */
# define HasLinuxDoc		YES
# define BuildLinuxDocHtml	YES
# define BuildAllDocs		YES
# define LinuxDocDir		/usr/local/lib/linuxdoc-sgml

/* Install Config's for xdm, xfs, and xinit */
# define InstallXinitConfig    YES
# define InstallXdmConfig      YES
# define InstallFSConfig               YES

#define BuildChooser		YES

/* for the new XF86Setup Util */
#define HasTk			YES
#define HasTcl			YES

#endif /* BeforeVendorCF */

Information for ISC Users : Sample Definitions
Previous: Multibuffer Extension
Next: Installation