Information for Trident Chipset Users : Supported chipsets
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1. Supported chipsets

The Trident driver has undergone some slight work for XFree86 3.3.3. Because of this work, all of the Trident SVGA chipsets, except the very first one, are supported by both the color and monochrome servers.

8800CS 8200LX 8900B 8900C 8900CL/D 9000 9000i 9100B 9200CXr 9320LCD 9400CXi 9420 9420DGi 9430DGi 9440AGi 9660XGi 9680 ProVidia9682 ProVidia9685 Cyber9382 Cyber9385 Cyber9385-1 Cyber9388 Cyber9397 Cyber9520 Cyber9525 3DImage975(PCI) 3DImage975(AGP) 3DImage985(AGP) Blade3D CyberBlade
It must be noted that the 9000i chipset is treated as a 9000 by the server. Additionally the 9100B is treated as a Trident 8900CL. Therefore it is equivalent to putting `Chipset "tvga8900cl"' or `Chipset "tvga9000"' in the XF86Config file. Also, note that the 9000i, 9100B have not been tested with the server, but should work in this way according to the chipset documentation.


The original Trident chipset, 8800BR, cannot be supported as an SVGA chipset by either the color or monochrome servers. The chip is supported, however, by the ``generic'' driver for the monochrome server.

Information for Trident Chipset Users : Supported chipsets
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