ATI Adapters README file

Marc Aurele La France

1999 October 25

This is the README for the XFree86 ATI driver included in this release.

1. Statement of intent

2. A note on acceleration

3. Current implementation for ATI adapters

4. Current implementation of generic VGA support for non-ATI adapters

5. XF86Config specifications

5.1. Driver ``ati''
5.2. ChipSet ``name''
5.3. ChipID & ChipRev specifications
5.4. IOBase
5.5. BusID
5.6. Clocks
5.7. Option ``crt_screen''
5.8. Option ``nolinear''
5.9. Option ``shadowfb''
5.10. MemBase address

6. Known problems and limitations

7. Reporting problems

8. Driver history

9. Driver versions

$XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/sgml/ati.sgml,v 3.29 2000/02/18 12:19:08 tsi Exp $